A Biodigester is a modern septic tank which uses bacteria to digest waste.
With this technology, there is no need for expensive exhaustion of waste. The Biodigester digests all waste. This saves you money and simplifies waste disposal.
A Biodigester can be used in homes, businesses, schools, hotels, hospitals, and even religious places like churches and mosques.
BioDigestors use natural process to break downorganic waste. They use anaerobic and aerobic bacteria.
The Micro-organisms in the Biodigester consume the waste and produce Bio Gas and water as a by-product.
The water is send to a soaking pit where it is absorbed by the ground.
The displacement process makes it impossible for biodigester to fill up and thus it does not require emptying.
NB: Prices are exclusive of delivery and transport outside of Nairobi County
NB: Prices are exclusive of delivery and transport outside of Nairobi County Dismiss
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