We build and maintain modern Bio-Digesters. These are modern septic tanks that digest human waste. The end result is clean water & gas. We build custom sized Bio Digesters and Pre Cast Bio Digesters for small applications.
Bio Gas Generation
Our Biogas systems rely on the natural interaction between micro-organisms & organic wastes. During the breakdown process, methane gas is released. This gas is then piped to the houses for heating and cooking.
Digester Bacteria
We have various Bacterias for all uses. We have Bio digester Bacteria to activate your Bio Digester. Septic Tank Bacteria for your Septic Tank, this makes sure your system doesn't clog up. We also have Pit latrine bacteria.
Plumbing Services
We handle all kinds of plumbing needs. If you are building a new home, remodeling the home or upgrading fixtures, we are ready to serve you.
We handle all kinds of plumbing needs nationwide.
Water Filtration
We provide water treatment solutions. We have products that purify murky and dirty water to acceptable levels that can be used in the house.
Our products are 100% Natural and Herbal. No harmful chemicals in our filtration products.
Bio Digester Bacteria
This is the bacteria that is responsible for digesting solid waste. Use of bacteria restores the Biological population of good worker bacteria and enzymes which reduce solids. The bacteria also reduce solids and help prevent clogging.