Eco-Treat 250ml

KSh 5,500

This water can be used for all secondary purposes like

  • Water garden
  • Flushing
  • Washing of vehicles and pathways
  • Washing and swabbing of floors
  • Gardening and irrigation
  • Construction
  • Industrial uses such as boiler coolant
  • AC Plants, etc.

The dosing process is simple and can also be built into existing STPs with minimal infrastructural changes. It can also be designed as an exclusive Eco-Tec Process design.


  • 98 % of fresh water is retrieved from sewage.
  • Chemicals used are natural extracts and completely harmless.
  • Minimal Infrastructural facilities
  • Little or no maintenance required.
  • Does not require any aerators, blowers or any bacterial media or enzymes.
  • It is a non-power intensive process


Eco-Treat is a unique water treatment formulation which has the dual function of flocculation of suspended organic matter in waste water and disinfection of the water through total eradication of pathogenic bacteria including fecal coliforms and E-coli. It is totally non-toxic and safe to use. Used at low dosages of (50 ml for 1000 liters) the treated water has low BOD and COD; it does not have an offensive odor and the water it is clear.

There is a huge saving on space requirement for 24×7 aeration is not there, there is considerable savings on electrical power, making it a Green Technology Huge savings on infrastructure as the whole process is simple and eliminates the need for multiple tanks and clarifies.


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